Monday, 2 December 2013

Most beautiful tourist spot in Lombok,

Place of Interest in Lombok Interesting and Famous - yoshiewafa - chili and surrounding tourist area has quite a lot of sights that must be visited for stunning natural beauty . It is unfortunate if you 've come all the way to visit the island of Lombok , but not to visit places of interest in Lombok . Natural beauty that is still natural that many city people may feel bored with the activity and bustle overcrowded every day .

                Lombok is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara islands . The shape of the island is roughly spherical and has such a tail in the southwest with a length of approximately 71 km . Lombok island area of approximately 5,435 km ² , the major city located on the island of Lombok is Mataram City .

                Lombok Island is well known to foreign tourists , Senggigi Beach is a famous tourist spot in Lombok . Its location on the west coast of Lombok Island . Senggigi Beach is indeed not at Kuta Beach in Bali , but when you're here it will feel like being in Kuta Beach , Bali .

              This coastline is very beautiful, although there may still be garbage strewn leaves due to less frequent cleaning. The scenery there is very beautiful under the sea, visitors can do snorkeling until satisfied that there are waves on the beach is not too big. Coral reefs towering ketengah already resulted in large waves broke in the middle of the first. In the tourist area of Lombok are also many hotels with varying prices, ranging from expensive to cheap hotels here.

                 Here is a tourist place in Lombok's most beautiful and worthy for your Visit.

  3 Gili Lombok - Actually, not just 3 or dyke is only a small island located on the island of Lombok, and many other bund surrounding the island of Lombok, but this is indeed 3 Gili whose name is well known to foreign tourists. 3 Gili this almost every day is never empty of visitors, both foreign, and domestic. 3 Gili is known as "3NP, no pollution, no police, no policy". The Gili motor vehicles are banned for the sake of preserving the air around the island to keep it fresh. Vehicles include such bikes, cidomo (horse carriage), and shoes / sandals (mean walking). Access to the island, approximately 15 minutes from Senggigi Beach, then by boat to Gili from wards, at a cost of Rp 10,000.

             Segara Anak Lake is a lake formed in the caldera of Mount Rinjani altitude of 3775 meters above sea level. The scenery on this lake is amazing and very beautiful so many foreign and domestic travelers and climb Mount Rinjani bendatangan to witness the beauty of Lake TSB. Segara Anak Lake which covers 1,100 hectares with a depth of 230 m and the topography is 2,010 meters above sea level, on the lake they will be a lot of fish. Many people come there not only to the beauty of nature is menyakisikan but also at the same fishing. In the middle of the lake formed TSB New Cones in New Finger Mountain call ("incipient mountain", in Sasak language) whose height 2,376 meters above sea level. The mountain erupted terahir 2004 7 years ago. Mount Rinjani, located in Lombok island Lombok. Precisely in Sembalun Lawang village, East Lombok District of Sembalun.

  Pine Beach is located in East Lombok, located between Paradise Beach and Tanjung Ringgit. A lot of people still do not know most of Lombok this place, maybe because the place is quite secluded and access to this place is quite difficult to be the reason many people do not know Lombok itself, especially from outside the island of Lombok. As the name implies Fir, on the beach there are lots of pine trees. The beach is not as well-known beaches in Lombok Island, this beach can be considered empty. Fir has white sand beaches, such as wheat flour sprawling. When friends look in the Indian Ocean pingin directly, ane-ane can rent a boat from the shore crossing is approximately 10 minutes to the island across from the beach, and there are sure eye agan ane will terbelanga see the blue of the Indian Ocean sea corals are etched beautiful.

                Lombok Kuta Beach is a tourist spot on the island of Lombok , West Nusa Tenggara , Indonesia . Beach with white sand is located in a village called Desa Kuta . Kuta village started to become attractive tourist destination in Indonesia since the establishment of many new hotels . Besides the natural beauty that can be enjoyed in this village , once a year Sasak ceremony held in the village . It is a ceremony of Bau Nyale . In this ceremony Nyale sailors looking for worms in the sea . According to legend , there was once a princess , named Princess Mandalika , very pretty , lots of princes and youth who want to marry him . Because he can not take a decision , then he plunged into the sea water . He previously promised that he will come back once a year . His long hair became the Nyale worms . Kuta Beach is likely to become a new icon for perpariwisataan Lombok Island . It could be said that because of development around the Kuta Beach area solid start , just as the construction of luxury hotels and also Lombok International Airport ( BIL ) . Access from BIL to Kuta Beach roughly about 10-15 minutes .

                Paradise Beach is located in the southern region of East Lombok exactly Jerowaru, about 50km from the city Selong. This beach is famous for its beautiful natural scenery and sandy beaches are clean and white, it is no wonder this beach called Paradise Beach. For those who love the sport of surfing this beach is one of the choices. In addition there are a number of beach paradise beach in the southern region are very beautiful, like heaven on planet beach, beach Kaliantan, cypress, bay Ekas the attractiveness of marine fish farming, known as Gili beautiful area. His name does emang Beach Paradise, but says the people who never get there anyway "running like hell".

Well so lomboktempa tours in the most beautiful, maybe can inspire you to vacation to the island of Lombok? Many tourists who come to visit Lombok Island for a honeymoon or just the Recreation with family or with friends.

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