Typical food Lombok
There are so many restaurants and cafes with good quality around Lombok . Most of the residence has its own restaurant , but the little restaurants along the main road in the middle of the strip which is worth to try . In the main tourist areas such as Sengigi , Gili Island and Kuta Beach , there are some good restaurants serving Western food , Indonesian food ( especially the traditional food Lombok ) , Padang food and Chinese food .
Eating Place ( Restaurant ) can be found easily in Mataram , Ampenan , and on the main streets of most . It seems that ' point ' or ' Eating ' can be considered if you want to have lunch or dinner meals Sasak in chepest way . You can also find traditional food Lombok feels like in a restaurant .
Sasak Food uses white rice as a staple , served with vegetable curry or soup , chicken , beef , fish , chilli and no pork . In Indonesian , Lombok means Chilli and freely used in the local cuisine . Sasak famous food :
chicken Taliwang
Sebuah Lombok tour would not be complete without tasting the local; Chicken Taliwang or in Indonesian it calls Taliwang Chicken. It is a typical dish Lombok is a favorite among locals and tourists. At first glance, it almost looks like Taliwang Chicken grilled or fried chicken general, only covered by enjoying spicy. Only after tasting it, then we can see the difference. The meat is well done and very soft in texture. Both hot and sweet, has the aroma paste (fermented shrimp paste), which encourages us to enjoy every mouthful. Taliwang H. Fried Chicken Moerad is one of the places recommended if you want to taste it.
Satay Fish Cape.
Cape Fish Satay (Sate Fish) is one of the delicious food in Lombok, originally came from a village called Tanjung, North Lombok. Pieces of fresh snapper or tuna mixed with coconut milk, lemongrass, garlic, chilli paper, spices, wrapped onto satay sticks and then grilled. Try the way back from a day tour of the falls or the Gili Islands. If you want to try it, you can go to the Cape. There also were a lot of fish that you can buy in the traditional markets or directly from fishermen
pelecing Watercress
Plecing Watercress, very popular in Lombok as everyday dishes to eat with rice. Plecing consisting of kale and spinach served cold and fresh shrimp with chili sauce, tomato, sprouts, beans, and lime.
Rice PUYUNG (PUYUNG rice) wrapped in banana leaves. Therefore, when you open it then you smell something savory. While white rice in it besides the inflammation is still hot also has a number of side dishes like chili, fried soy, minced chicken meat and fried shredded and grated coconut.
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