Wednesday, 27 February 2013

the history of chili

the history of chili

                 since the seventeenth century . Hindu - Balinese Hindu - Buddhist teachings adalahsinkretisasi , which is also called Shiva - Buddha . MenurutSartono Kartodirjo (1975 ) . Before immigrants come from Bali , island of the beautiful and fertile , dinamakanGUMI Selaparang and inhabited by people SASAK . Until SEVENTEEN century , there are two kingdoms , namely KINGDOM Pejanggik SASAK Middle diLombok as royal inland and coastal kingdoms SELAPARANGsebagi KINGDOM capital dPulau Lombok is located just a few miles from the island of Bali , just 20 minutes denganpenerbangan you 've got another atausebutan Kayangan island of Lombok Island , consisting of three district and one in the Municipality ( MATARAM ) : namely Lombok to the city is the new mother diGERUNG . The town of Central Lombok Praya with Mother and Mother TIMURdengan LOMBOK The city Selong .

                Lombok island is inhabited by a population of nearly 90 % are Muslims dankebanyakan they are PARTS SASAK or a tribal name yangmendiami Lombok , mostly domiciled didaerahperbukitan SASAK parts of the south and the north .

                In the opinion of some historians that the tribal population SASAKberasal of JAVA and BALI , is linked to several discoveries danpeninggalan existing sites in southern and northern Lombok . In awalmula introduction of Islam to Lombok island , populated menganutANIMISME but datengnya one chaplain of JAVA is SUNAN PRAPENmaka some places into the base can still ditemukansampai now .

             In terms of the spread of the religion of Islam , at first, the role of the Sufis sangatmenentukan besides traders from GUJARAT . The Sufi itudatang from Java which has an impact of the Wali Songo .

            Then followed the teachings of the doctrine congregation sheikh Yusu MAKASSAR etc. . Darisumber teachings of Sheikh YUSUF , there are accepted directly during beliauberada in BANTEN or of the followers of the sheikh's followers Nusantara.Sedangkan others received directly in Mecca at the time of the teacher paratuan Lombok , perform the pilgrimage and settled disanabeberapa year to deepen their knowledge .

           The SUFI who spread Islam derived from the influence of society songomeninggalkan trustee who then called Wektu Telu ( Three Time ) to distinguish it from the others , which have mengalamiproses ISLAMIZATION , Islam Time Lima.PENGARUH Hindu - Hindu - Balinese BUDHAAjaran taken directly by its adherents , dariPui immigrants heaven , Labuan Lombok diLombok Timur.Memasuki 17th century ( 1600s ) , in waves of immigrants from Karangasem - BALI Lombok dateng to open farmland and had established a settlement . The new residents came, but because kerajaanyadiganggu by royal royal neighbors in Bali , as well as wilayahtofografinya less favorable for agriculture , the region tanahperbukitan . Residential settlement was known as SENGKONGOK ( at the foot of Mount Pengsong ) , clinch , PAGESANGAN , and MATARAM ( in KODYAMATARAM ) and TANAQ EMBET ( in SENGGIGI ) .


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